Residential Real Estate Asset Value Forecasts by Region
Fundamental = Score out of 10 based on historical data and any macroeconomic or fiscal factors likely to affect the level of supply and demand.
Top Rated Analyst Consensus = A consensus recommendation rating of some of the top investors, analyst and gurus in the real estate market.
Home Sales = Level of home sales forecasted based on data points in the expected time horizon
Developer Activity = The level of bullish activity in the market determined from business trends of home builders and developers to inform inventory levels
Property Fund Trades = The level of bullish activity in the market determined from analysis of holdings of top property funds and real estate investment trusts.
Overall AI = AI generated and proprietary formulated score out of 10 for investment rating of the asset considering all data and analysis.
Risk = Level of Risk in the asset based on the factors that can impact the performance and stability of assets, such as market volatility and economic conditions.
Probability of Positive Return = Gives the percentage chance that the performance is net positive (avoids a loss) over the forecast horizon. Based on the probabilities of similar predictions based on historical data in back-tested models for the asset.