The Asset Class Forecasts and Ratings tools give a broader perspective of the markets and economy. An asset class refers to a group of financial instruments or investments that share similar characteristics and behaviour in the market. The Macro level analysis can serve as a key mechanism of determining your personalised investment strategy and gives you the best pick of sectors, industries and investment niches or themes that are most likely to outperform the market. Equally, the ratings can also be used to invest in ETFs or stocks that fall within the category of the best ranking categories above.
A sector is a group of companies operating in a similar industry or offering related products/services (e.g., technology, healthcare, financial, etc)
Indicator Information:
Fundamental = Score out of 10 for the intrinsic value of the asset using various economic, accounting, operational and market data sources.
Technical = Score out of 10 for the predicted future price action based on historical price data, volume and expected statistical trends.
Forums Sentiment Aggregator = Score out of 10 for the recommendations and optimism in the particular asset or security as surveyed with a select list of exclusive stock market trading forums, research platforms, communities and sophisticated trader networks.
Quant Signals Aggregator = Score out of 10 for the optimism and bullish sentiment in the particular asset as gauged from the aggregate signals and ratings from major quantitative machine-learning based trading signal providers.
Rumour Pulse Index = Score out of 10 for the bullish sentiment in a particular asset based on NLP/ML algorithms to provide insights into positive or negative rumours spreading on social platforms, digital media, and other publications.
Top-Rated Analyst Consensus = A consensus rating of some of the top analysts, investors and experts from their holdings and recommendations.
Insider Trades = The level of bullish activity in the asset determined from analysis of holding changes of corporate insiders.
Politician Trades = The level of bullish activity in the asset determined from analysis of holding changes of government servants and political figures.
Hedge Fund Activity = The level of bullish activity in the asset determined from analysis of holdings of top hedge funds and quantitative investment funds.
Dark Pool Activity = The level of bullish activity in the asset determined from analysis of the dark pool market for the stock or stocks related to the asset. Dark pools are private asset exchanges designed to provide anonymity for trading large blocks of securities away from the public eye and give an indication of Institutional sentiment.
Overall AI = AI generated and proprietary formulated score out of 10 for investment rating of the asset considering all data and analysis.
Risk = Level of Risk in the asset based on the factors that can impact the performance and stability of assets, such as market volatility and economic conditions.
Probability of Positive Return = Gives the percentage chance that the performance is net positive (avoids a loss) over the forecast horizon. Based on the probabilities of similar predictions based on historical data in back-tested models for the asset.